Friday, April 16, 2010
feeling good.
*name's have been changed to protect the innocent.. LOL
okay so on wednesday this girl stole my shoes outta my bag. i was a little upset because they were cute shoes and she just took them like it was no big deal. if she needed shoes i would have given her some, she didn't have to steal. so she denied that she took them and when i looked closer, i saw that she mutilated them.. she took off the bows and they almost didn't look like my shoes. but i knew they were. soooo being "the better person" i was gonna forgive her... it didn't work out, i walked up and said, " you shouldn't have taken the bows off, now they are so ugly! not even worth wearing". i felt so good because i made her feel bad. what a terrible reason to feel good about myself. i felt like a jerk after i thought about it. that night i felt like i needed to apologize. but i wasn't really sure what for. i mean she should apologize too, right? well she didn't so i went up to her today and said, " sorry for making a big deal of everything. i'd really like to put it behind us and make an effort to be friends...?" she accepted my apology which was good and i felt better... still t=didn't get my shoes though:( oh well.
so back to my other drama that isn't even really mine. on thursday, me and kate and anne got called into the principles office. she noticed we weren't getting along... so she made us talk everything out... i wasn't sure why i was there.. the drama was between the other two girls. oh well. she made us hug and apologize, then we left. it felt like it didn't do anything at all! we were not friends. it was sad but it was fact. it was a sad fact. so today i go into the bathroom and anne is in there. we start talking and realize we still care about each other. sooo she starts talking to kate later. and i know we aren't best friends or anything, but i think maybe the talk helped. we all just had to sleep on it. i feel good.[:
Monday, March 29, 2010
what didn't we do??
but i gotta back up a bit and tell you about my spring break. so i'm on my way to church a couple sundays ago and i get a text from my best friend kennedy. she says, " hey i need to talk to you tonight, k?".. this makes me nervous for some reason lol. whenever someone wants to talk its usually something bad so i kept coming up with silly scenerios... why would she be mad at me??? hmm...? so i get to church and she says, " aly, would you like to come to disneyland with me for spring break?" ummm YES!!! haha so i talk to my parents and we work it out so i can go. it's a 14 hour drive :/ that's a long time! so we get to kenn's grandparent house late saturday night. we get up early for church on sunday. it was a terrific first day. soaking up the california sunshine! we went to in and out, we went to the mexican market and got candy. it was spectacular. then came monday morning--disneyland day!! we went on every ride and did all the fun stuff. it was amazing. the firework show changed my life[: it really was the happiest place on earth. i saw this one girl crying and was like holy frick, shut up and be happy! you're in freakin disneyland!! haha oh well. you just can't please some people... so day two was california adventure. also amazing! the best part was the room with all the screens with movies! ahhh lifechanging(: and the drawing class was superb! they sure know how to run a theme park there!! oh and the electrical parade was insane! i loved it. i saw cinderella and she was absolutely beautiful!!! day three was dave and busters. i went there got the t shirt(: haha but really, i played house of dead four and made it to level 2 where i got killed by a zombie spider. it was intense. so we played all these awesome games and had a phenomenal time! thursday was just the girls at knotts berry farm! fun stuff right there! we did all the rides a few times because there was barely a line! we got custom leather bracelets and they're pretty beast if i do say so[: so on thursday night my big brother drove up from san diego to hang out with me and on friday we went to the beach. at the beach we caught crabs and a starfish! it was awesome. we played in the ocean and flew kites. it was a wonderful day. and to end such a wonderful day, peter(my big brother) took the girls to midieval times to see the show. it was a super cool show and we all had a great time. then on saturday we all just chilled by the pool all day long. i got a tan and that night found out it was a burn!! ouch lol. but saturday night i beat everyone at texas hold 'em and i learned how to play risk. sunday we got up and left early in the morning. thank goodness kyle aka harry potter, was texting me to keep me company for the the long trip. truth or dare can in fact be played via text(:
my week went amazing and i had the best time of my life. it was genius[:
Sunday, March 7, 2010
delight thyself
Saturday, February 27, 2010
we should all be hermits(:
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
would you go with me?
so we had an awesome man of God come to our church for a conference. his name is Dr. Jack Schaap. he came for two days and preached 3 times. while sitting in the services, God was moving in my heart the entire time. on tuesday evening he preached a message about loving other people. to reach people for God, we have to have a "so loved" kind of love. as in "for God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. John 3:16". we all need to tell people about Jesus. have we all just forgotten about the verses that say go out and share the gospel of Jesus Christ?? we need to be christians who love God and show it through our lives. are we aware that "christian" translates to "Christ-like" or "little Christs" now the pharisees meant this as an insult but i would never in my life take offense if someone called me a christian. i am proud to be a christian and i would hope it shows through how i act. i hope someday i live up to the name "christian"...
back to the decision i made... i decided to give my life and my whole self over to God. i will be attending bible college in fall '11. i will serve God for my whole life. i know all he wants is a willing servant and that is what i am, a willing sesrvant(: i can't wait to see what God has in store for my life and all the people i get to tell about Jesus. there is nothing better than telling someone how to get to heaven. and i know now who i am going to fall in love with. i need to fall in love with God before anyone else. He knows me better than anyone for He is my creator. and He is my father. He loves me already and i love Him. I am so excited about my christian life. what an amazing conference with awesome decisions made for God. we are surely blessed by God to have such moving thing happen in Grand View Baptist Church.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
it's the thought that counts=)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
i am computer challenged
to fall in love is human
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
i wanna grow up
oh man, the bittersweet days of high school....the name calling, the getting laughed at for taking a fashion risks, the school uniform, the (not so) wonderful hot lunch food, the rejection, the organized sports... what is it about high school that makes me want to leave so bad?
as much as i enjoy all of those things(sarcasm), i cannot wait for it to be over. why do teachers assign homework? is it to torture us? i feel like that is their motive for assigning it. but for reals guys, we do enough school work at school, why must we spend our free time at home doing the blasted stuff too? and why do you expect us to not do it in class? do you really think we are gonna go home and stay off of facebook and whatnot so we can finish your precious assignment? because sweetie, your badly mistaken if you think we would actually do it rather than complain about it for hours on end.
and they say it's nothing compared to college:(
when will the madness end?!