oh man, the bittersweet days of high school....the name calling, the getting laughed at for taking a fashion risks, the school uniform, the (not so) wonderful hot lunch food, the rejection, the organized sports... what is it about high school that makes me want to leave so bad?
as much as i enjoy all of those things(sarcasm), i cannot wait for it to be over. why do teachers assign homework? is it to torture us? i feel like that is their motive for assigning it. but for reals guys, we do enough school work at school, why must we spend our free time at home doing the blasted stuff too? and why do you expect us to not do it in class? do you really think we are gonna go home and stay off of facebook and whatnot so we can finish your precious assignment? because sweetie, your badly mistaken if you think we would actually do it rather than complain about it for hours on end.
and they say it's nothing compared to college:(
when will the madness end?!