Saturday, February 27, 2010

we should all be hermits(:

what is up with people who forget who their friends are just because a boy gives them attention? why do they just forget us until said boy dumps their sorry butt? i have this friend who is the most boy crazy girl I've ever met. and incredibly fickle. one day she likes this boy but the next day she likes that boy. it's confusing and ridiculous. she has finally found one boy to have a relationship with. but they are always fighting. whats the point of being together if you don't even like each other most of the time? she ditches us all the time for a 2-timing jerk. he is freaking cheating on her and i told her that but she doesn't believe me. what the heck is up with that? i love her but sometimes she makes me so mad. and now i think she's mad at me because i hang out with a girl she doesn't like. which is stupid. i thought when i left junior high that i left the drama with it. this is why everyone should live as hermits. the end. thanks for letting me vent.

Friday, February 19, 2010

so it is friday today. which just so happens to be my second favorite day! crazy i know! anyways, being that it is friday, i had a half day at school. as i do every friday. it was nice. homeroom, then home economics, then senior seminar, then chapel. the end(: after school i went to a doctors appointment with my nieces and nephew. angela had to get THREE shots:((( i had to hold her down, it was very sad! after she got her bandaides on, through all the tears she said, " that lady shot me!!!" whilst pointing at the nurse. it was really adorable so i laughed. when i laughed she looks at me with very grouchy eyebrows and says, " it's not funny guys!" which, of course, made me laugh harder! what a goober(: i love her incredible bunches though! after the doctors, i stopped at 7 11 for a slurpee. they did not have any good flavors!!!! so i chose blackberry-lime.... it tasted like cough syrup! eww! so i ended up spilling it and not having to finish it. thank goodness! after i got home, i got on facebook and told a guy i barely know an embarrassing story about a guy i thought was cute and it turns out he is like best friends with this cute guy. ugh why do these things happen to me! so apparently, he's going to tell him all about it. oh well, maybe it will work out in my favor(: or not haha. i want to watch a chick flick right now. hmmm which one though? i'm insanely bored right now so this post feels like it is going nowhere.. since you are the only one that reads it kyle, i don't really mind that its going nowhere hehe. peace!

Friday, February 5, 2010

would you go with me?

i made a decision... a big one. i love my Heavenly Father soooo much. more than anything else i've ever known. He is the only reason i continue to exist. He is my reason for breathing. He has a perfect plan for my life. even though i haven't seen his plans, i know they are beautiful. i can't wait for him to unveil the wonderful will He has for me for me to live.

so we had an awesome man of God come to our church for a conference. his name is Dr. Jack Schaap. he came for two days and preached 3 times. while sitting in the services, God was moving in my heart the entire time. on tuesday evening he preached a message about loving other people. to reach people for God, we have to have a "so loved" kind of love. as in "for God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. John 3:16". we all need to tell people about Jesus. have we all just forgotten about the verses that say go out and share the gospel of Jesus Christ?? we need to be christians who love God and show it through our lives. are we aware that "christian" translates to "Christ-like" or "little Christs" now the pharisees meant this as an insult but i would never in my life take offense if someone called me a christian. i am proud to be a christian and i would hope it shows through how i act. i hope someday i live up to the name "christian"...

back to the decision i made... i decided to give my life and my whole self over to God. i will be attending bible college in fall '11. i will serve God for my whole life. i know all he wants is a willing servant and that is what i am, a willing sesrvant(: i can't wait to see what God has in store for my life and all the people i get to tell about Jesus. there is nothing better than telling someone how to get to heaven. and i know now who i am going to fall in love with. i need to fall in love with God before anyone else. He knows me better than anyone for He is my creator. and He is my father. He loves me already and i love Him. I am so excited about my christian life. what an amazing conference with awesome decisions made for God. we are surely blessed by God to have such moving thing happen in Grand View Baptist Church.